Can I still change my reservation ?
  • You can change your reservation up to 7 days before the first trip. Please note that changes may result in an adjustment to your fare. You can make your requests directly via email.
How to pay for the reservation ?
  • You can pay for your trip by SEPA direct debit, credit card or bank transfer.
What are the conditions for cancelling your reservations ?
  • Cancellation of a reservation is free up to and including the 12th day before the departure date of the first trip.
  • Cancellation of a reservation between 11 and 7 days before the departure date entails cancellation fees corresponding to 75% of the cost of the trip.
  • Cancellation of a reservation between 6 and 1 day prior to departure will result in a cancellation fee of 90% of the fare.
  • Cancellation of a reservation on the day of departure will result in a cancellation fee of 100% of the cost of the trip.
  • To cancel your reservation, please contact us at or by phone at +33 9 71 56 39 50.
How do I contact the driver if I can't find the coach?

The day before your departure, you will receive an e-mail with the driver's contact information. Please only contact the driver directly in case of emergency. If you have any questions about your trip, please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at +33 9 71 56 39 50.

Are there any breaks during the trip?

If not previously scheduled, there are normally no breaks on your trip. However, on long trips, the driver is required to take a legal break of 45 minutes after 4.5 hours of driving, and for trips longer than 2 hours, if the driver determines that a break is necessary for the safety of his passengers, a spontaneous break is possible. If necessary, you can also ask the driver to take a short bathroom break.

Can I travel with a pet?

No, the transportation of dogs or other animals on tour buses is not permitted. Only guide dogs are allowed.

Who is responsible in case of dirt or material damage?

The usual cleaning costs are taken care of by FSA TRANSPORT. Any dirtiness entailing additional cleaning expenses will be invoiced to you. It is the same for the material damage caused by the customer.

When do I need to provide a passenger list?

A passenger list is necessary for any trip crossing different departments or borders. You must have it with you on the day of the trip to show it to the driver or you can send it to us by email via .

What should I plan for when traveling internationally?

For trips crossing national borders, it is safer to leave some room in your schedule. There may be border controls that extend the duration of your trip. Please note that each passenger must carry all the necessary documents to cross the border (identity card or passport, visa, residence permit, etc.) as well as duty-free goods only. In order to speed up customs procedures, checked baggage must be unlocked and labeled with the passenger's name and address. Please inform yourself in advance of the regulations in force concerning visas, foreign currency and customs.

Who should I contact if I have forgotten something on the bus?

Please contact our customer service by e-mail at or by phone at +33 9 71 56 39 50. In order to process your request, we will need to know your reference number, the route on which the item was left and the description of the item. We will contact the coach company and inform you as soon as possible.